- population 20 138
- civil rights since 1469

There is a town in the very heart of Lubuskie State, just on the Poznan-Berlin route that become famous for the biggest Jesus Christ monument in the world. But Swiebodzin is also a place where you can spend time in a company of Czeslaw Niemen, a famous polish singer. How is it possible? A bench with his figure appeared in the town square several years ago.
The municipal authorities perfectly know how to take care of the image of Swiebodzin. Flowers in the town are common for its citizens. Different models Flower Towers with the same plants have given a brand new looks to the centre. That is the secret of a well done arrangement.
The town square and its surroundings have been constantly decorated since several years. The urban greenery accompanies the citizens during their strolls and spending time in the town centre. This town looks amazing in warm, sunny days.
On the blog inspirowaninatura.pl we present case studies where we describe places before and after decorating. You can find not only descriptions but also photos.

The centre of Swiebodzin was lacking in expressive and unique appearance. Although beer gardens were always crowded with people, the arrangement of the town square didn’t get their attention. No natural ground and access to water didn’t allow for planting flowerbeds. A huge square with the town hall that is surrounded with tenements – it’s a typical view in many Polish towns and cities. The municipal authorities of Swiebodzin decided to change it.
In 2012 the municipal authorities decided for several constructions H2000 and W600 with the same arrangement of flowers.
The hanging cascades appeared on street lamps around the town hall, and the standing ones on the edges of the town square. Colourful surfinias with green ipomoea distinguished from beige buildings and created an original arrangement of urban space in Swiebodzin.
Everyone is impressed by the effect that we’ve got in the town square of Swiebodzin. I was positively surprised when I saw how the constructions looked after providing and installing. I can say that I’ve never met a person who would say something negative about the constructions. Flowers look amazing and the effect is brilliant.