- population 12 727
- civil rights since 1250

Do you know what Trzebnica is famous for? Apples, a charming town square and... the Super Cat! This is the paradise for everyone who seeks active holidays. Clean air and a scenic location make this town unique.
There is a fountain, a whipping post, a lucky tree and the sculptures of two cats called Kociogórek and Lubuszka, which initiated “The Track of Cats” (an urban play for children). The other sculptures are Stawcio, Mruczysław, Aquarius and Nastroszek. Their names were chosen in the contest for children. “The Track of Cats” is an integral part of the town image and a perfect proposal for sightseeing with the whole family.
The town square of Trzebnica is its pride. This is the place where all concerts, exhibitions and other celebrations take place.
I agree with the opinion that more and more cities care about the greenery, therefore, they include it in the budget. I think it’s a good trend. As far as Trzebnica is concerned, I can assure that while planning investment in the urban space, we don’t forget about the nature.
The non-standard arrangement of the town square in Trzebnica could be reagrded as difficult to set up. However, the years of experience in creating unconventional solutions made this task easy and effective.

The form and location of the town square is interesting due to the slight slope. The arrangement of such area should given careful consideration and it should be functional too so that the other elements wouldn't take too much space. The whole is kept in light tones.
There is a small fountain, the sculpture of two cats, benches and lamp next to the town hall. The square is surrounded with a narrow parking lot and a street with a heavy traffic.
The small space can be inspiring! Trzebnica has become a town in which citizens live with flowers above their heads. Every street lamp on the town square has been decorated with the constructions W600. Thanks to that the square and the street don’t merge into one place.
The models H750 and H1200 have appeared next to the entrance of the building and to the arms of the town. Their size has been adjusted to the elements of the small urban architecture. The domination of bright colours has been broken thanks to colourful flowers.
Now the nature rules in the heart of the town.
The municipal authorities of Trzebnica try to promote the town thanks to the greenery and enable their citizens the contact with nature. These were the guidelines while arranging the area – the huge number of the Flower Towers made this place friendly to people.