Pelargonium in urban decorations

Next to surfinia, pelargonium is the most popular flower among plants used in flower pots at home and planters in cities. It has low requirements and gives a lot of colourful flowers. It has been decorating many Polish places since years.
Petunias in urban decorations

It’s easy in maintaining and blossoms for a long time, decorating our cities even until November. This is a modern type of petunia with long pendulous sprouts, thanks to which it presents perfectly in urban planters. To provide petunia the best conditions and use its features, you just need to follow some simple rules.
Planter in another way

There are many ideas for urban space arrangement in spring season. One of the most common concepts is planting with pansies. However, the composition consisting of several kinds of this small flower is still rare – it’s a pity because the effect is impressive!